Friday, December 20, 2019

9 New HTML5 and CSS3 Features You Should Try

Since the day they have been released, both HTML and CSS are continuously evolving to provide web designers and front-end developers with unlimited possibilities. With their every new version, several new features or improvements are introduced and things that are obsolete or don’t fit in the modern web development workflow are dropped to make the languages even better – which is really a great thing in itself.

Around four years ago, W3C (World Wide Web Consortium) set a goal to produce at least one revision of HTML5 roughly every year. Fulfilling its commitment, W3C released HTML 5.1 back in 2016 and now HTML 5.2, the second revision of HTML5, has also become the official W3C Recommendation. This simply means any new feature introduced in HTML 5.2 can now be implemented by web page developers in their projects. So, without further ado, let’s get into some exciting new HTML and CSS features that you can use to create better websites and applications in 2018.

12 Free Bootstrap Admin Templates to Beautify Your Next Dashboard

Whether you’re planning to build a new web application or going to develop a theme which requires a beautiful and functional admin panel, using a pre-built Bootstrap admin dashboard template can prove extremely beneficial to you. Preventing you from starting everything from scratch and writing a lot of unnecessary code, a ready-to-use admin template not only saves you many hours of development time but also boosts your development workflow to a new level.

There are countless free and premium Bootstrap admin templates available on the market today via different online marketplaces. However, just because premium admin templates often provide more in terms of features, functionalities and the quality the UI, it doesn’t necessarily mean that free Bootstrap admin templates are any less than premium ones. In fact, there are many free Bootstrap admin templates that have the ability to compete with premium ones.

Mobile Game Development: Latest Trends, Tools, Best Practices and More

Gone are the days when mobile games used to be small applications with pixelated graphics, negligible interactions, and a very simple playing mechanism. With the continuous technological evolution of mobile devices in terms of both hardware and software, they are now just as powerful as the high-end games played on desktop computers and gaming consoles. Unlike old-fashioned games, mobile games today feature superior-quality visual elements, carefully chosen interactions, outstanding storylines, marvelous soundtracks, and relatively more complex game mechanics.

Consequently, developing a mobile game that will definitely be loved by players has become a quite challenging task for developers. To make your mobile game successful and profitable in today’s highly competitive gaming industry, not only you must be familiar with the key characteristics of a successful mobile game, but also you need to keep yourself updated with what’s new, hot and happening in the mobile game development arena.

9 Reasons Why You Should Use Angular for App Development

Over the past few years, Angular has emerged as a go-to choice for developing fast and beautiful single page websites and applications. Powering over 12,000 websites, including some of the world’s most reputable ones like Forbes, Intel, Diply, and LiveJournal, it has now become the most popular and widely used open-source front-end web application framework. Being an extremely advanced TypeScript-based framework, Angular is a perfect fit for developing:

10 Things to Consider When Converting Any Existing Site to Responsive

Accept it or not, Responsive Web Design (RWD) has now become a new standard for building websites. According to a recent survey, over 81% people prefer to use Responsive Design over other two mobile configurations – Dynamic Serving and Separate URLs. The reason why responsive design is so popular among designers is its ability to adapt to devices of all screen sizes.

If you have a non-responsive site and are planning to convert it to responsive, then you have landed to the right place. In this blog post, I’ve highlighted ten key considerations that you must take into account while converting a non-responsive site to responsive one. Follow these practices and you’ll be able to make your site as responsive as it can be, absolutely without hampering its usability, accessibility and performance.

Mobile-First Indexing for WordPress: What It Is & Tips to Optimize

If you like to keep up with the latest Google’s algorithm changes, you might have noticed that the search engine giant has been placing a big emphasis on mobile over the past few years. Whether it is about making a website mobile-friendly or gradually shifting its search index to mobile-first, Google is indeed leaving no stone unturned in showing more relevant search results to mobile searchers and making the web universally accessible to everyone.

Given that mobile use is continuously on the rise and Google alone drives over 96% of mobile search traffic, optimizing your WordPress site for Google’s Mobile-first Indexing becomes imperative to rank higher in search engine result pages (SERPs) and get more organic traffic to your WordPress site. If you implement the tips given here, you’ll be able not only to leverage mobile-first index to its fullest but also to avoid any potential SEO disasters. But first, you need to understand what Mobile-first indexing actually is!

9 Interesting Web Development Trends to Embrace in 2019

Running a business online nowadays is all about delivering your users a meaningful, pleasant, and contemporary user experience. Since web development today is more user-focused than ever and enormously based on the new and emerging technologies, it is crucial for you as a developer to get acquainted with what’s trending and upcoming in the web development arena.

Whether you’re planning to launch a brand-new website or revamp your existing website, the year 2019 has brought you a lot of new opportunities in form of several emerging web development trends. We have gathered them all in one place so that you can stay one step ahead from others in implementing them in your projects.

New Features & Improvements Coming to WordPress 5.2

Since its launch in February, version 5.1 of WordPress has been downloaded over 19 million times. While the first major release of the year introduced a number of tools to make the CMS even better, faster, and more secure, development of version 5.2 is now underway to improve the CMS further.

As a result of the development, the WordPress Core Team recently released WordPress 5.2 Beta 2 to give users a sneak peek into what new features and improvements version 5.2 is bringing. Slated for release on April 30, WordPress 5.2 mainly emphasizes the improvement of the Block Editor and Site Health Features.